Am I Eating Enough? Jan 2

 Today I tried out the Fruit and Nut Shake on page 323 and the Roasted Nuts and Seeds on page 329.  Both are in The Blood Sugar Solution.  Lunch and dinner were both leftover chicken from last night.

About mid afternoon I had a nasty blood sugar crash.  I've been trying to follow all of the advice - keeping my plate 3/4 full with vegetables, sticking to the advanced plan, only eating until I'm 3/4 full.  But gosh that one really took me back.  I was afraid I was going to break my sugar fast on day 2 as I scrounged desperately through my cupboards.  By this point I had eaten enough Roasted Nuts and Seeds, and while good, something told me it wasn't what my body wanted.  Then, like a sunbeam hitting the Christ icon in my last Church, my eyes were drawn to the greatest sight of the day - individual guacamole snack packs.  Woohoo!  I polished off two of them with carrots and felt much better.

I'm not sure if this is part of my body adjusting, or a signal that I need to make some adjustments.  I considered switching to the basic plan for six weeks, and then following up with six weeks on the advanced plan.  (Basic plan allows for more carbs.)  Another strategy is to make sure I have enough good food on hand for these moments.  I have a small bag of avocados ripening on my counter at the moment.

It's certainly been interesting so far.  This evening I also made my son homemade mac and cheese and it killed me not to have any.  But I'm doing this to improve my overall health.

I covered all my vitals yesterday, and haven't had the chance to check my blood pressure yet.  Hopefully tomorrow will give me the chance.  My weight is down to 193, which is one pound lighter than the day before.  I've been doing low carbs for a few weeks now so I'm not surprised that it's kicking in.

One final note is around my supplements.  From the tests I took, I'm starting with Vitamin D3 and Magnesium.  I can already tell a difference with Magnesium.  My body felt pretty tired all day.  Given that I've had lousy sleeping habits for a year I'm surprised this hasn't happened before, but it finally feels like some muscles are relaxing and my body can tell how tired it really is.  Time to sign off and go to sleep early.


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