Jan 1 - First Stab at Grocery Shopping and Meal Prep

 I pushed my cart up to the checkout line in Wegmans and unloaded a lot of produce.  I'm used to buying produce but this time it was the majority of my food.  The day went pretty well - Fried Eggs with Tumeric for Breakfast, I honestly can't remember what I had for lunch, and I tried a few recipes from The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook - Chile Verde Chicken on page 223 and Spiced Green Beans with Shallots on page 267.

The Chicken dish was really involved.  My poor wife is still upstairs cleaning the pots and pans.  It didn't help that I doubled the sauce so I could cook both chicken and tofu in it.  Since I wasn't sure if my son would like it I did an extra piece of chicken under the broiler.

The Green Beans were really, really good.  They had a lot of herbs and spices and were sauteed in a wok.  My only feedback is that they came out pretty salty.  I made a note in the cookbook to use less next time.

The chicken was good, although it didn't shred quite the way I expected.  It may have been better to try putting it in a dutch oven and baking at a low temperature for a few hours.

I took my first Magnesium supplement.  Let's see if this makes a difference in my muscles aching.

Today's Weight = 194 lbs

BMI = 27.8

Waist at Belly Button = 36in.  (Weird since I still wear 34 inch pants)

Waist to Height Ratio = 51 (Healthy, Normal Weight according to the table on page 176)

Wish me luck!


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