
Showing posts from January, 2024

Bok Choi and Scallion Scrambled Eggs

I got a little creative this morning with my leftovers.  I sauteed the rest of the Bok Choi in Sesame Oil, add the rest of the Scallions, a little garlic for flavor.  Once they were done sauteeing I threw in some eggs to scramble, and had a decent breakfast.  The other ingredients mellowed out the bitterness of the Bok Choi, and I was able to consume everything.  I will admit though, I wasn't ready for the stalks.  :)  They ended up in the garbage. Last night I felt a bit hungry, but didn't have the massive cravings like in the past.  I did have to get up to read for a little while - but all in all fell asleep easier than I have been.  I wonder if this has anything to do with the Quinoa from last night.  We will see.  I'll stick to Advanced Plan Recipes as much as possible and record what happens when I cheat. My weight this morning was down to 191.6.  That's a two pound difference from yesterday.  I wonder if the few weeks of cutting carbs before this plan helped set t

Quinoa Avocado Salad With Black Beans over Arugula

Tonight it was Quinoa Avocado Salad with a lot of other vegetables.  It was really good, didn't make a huge mess in the kitchen, quick, and filled me up.  I have to admit though this was a cheat recipe.  This was one of them that was advertised as both basic and advanced plans.  It wasn't until I went to make it that I read, "Omit Quinoa if you are on the Advanced Plan."  Since I'm feeding my whole family I didn't want to omit anything.  We'll see how I do tonight. The day went well - and by that I mean I didn't have any massive blood sugar crashes.  Lunch was leftover chicken and other vegetables, breakfast was another shake, and I snacked on my Rosemary Zucchini bread.  I got about an hour of Karate exercises in.  Karate doesn't raise my heart rate really high, but it does raise it enough to get a little sweat going.  I noticed after my session that my hunger pangs went away. I'm still faced with a lot of leftover vegetables - Bok Choi, Scall

Tofu Stir Fry and a Good Night's Sleep

Last night I had my first full night's sleep in a long time.  I actually felt a little refreshed as the alarm went off in the morning.  I checked my weight - 193.6 - so it's still coming down a little bit. I was able to balance my blood sugar yesterday by making a loaf of Zucchini Bread and having a few slices throughout the day.  It's made from almond and coconut flour, but not as dense as you might think.  At the same time it was really filing.  This recipe reminds me of The Lord of the Rings were Legolas talks about Elvish Way Bread.  "One bite will fill a man's stomach."  It really kept me satisfied for hours. For dinner I made a Tofu and Cashew Stir Fry from The Blood Sugar Solution - page 363.  It was really good, and filling to boot.  My only quandary now is what to do with all the extra snap peas and bok choi.  This is only the second time I've had bok choi, and the first didn't go so well.  I actually hated it.  But this time it was mixed in

Am I Eating Enough? Jan 2

 Today I tried out the Fruit and Nut Shake on page 323 and the Roasted Nuts and Seeds on page 329.  Both are in The Blood Sugar Solution.  Lunch and dinner were both leftover chicken from last night. About mid afternoon I had a nasty blood sugar crash.  I've been trying to follow all of the advice - keeping my plate 3/4 full with vegetables, sticking to the advanced plan, only eating until I'm 3/4 full.  But gosh that one really took me back.  I was afraid I was going to break my sugar fast on day 2 as I scrounged desperately through my cupboards.  By this point I had eaten enough Roasted Nuts and Seeds, and while good, something told me it wasn't what my body wanted.  Then, like a sunbeam hitting the Christ icon in my last Church, my eyes were drawn to the greatest sight of the day - individual guacamole snack packs.  Woohoo!  I polished off two of them with carrots and felt much better. I'm not sure if this is part of my body adjusting, or a signal that I need to make

Jan 1 - First Stab at Grocery Shopping and Meal Prep

 I pushed my cart up to the checkout line in Wegmans and unloaded a lot of produce.  I'm used to buying produce but this time it was the majority of my food.  The day went pretty well - Fried Eggs with Tumeric for Breakfast, I honestly can't remember what I had for lunch, and I tried a few recipes from The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook - Chile Verde Chicken on page 223 and Spiced Green Beans with Shallots on page 267. The Chicken dish was really involved.  My poor wife is still upstairs cleaning the pots and pans.  It didn't help that I doubled the sauce so I could cook both chicken and tofu in it.  Since I wasn't sure if my son would like it I did an extra piece of chicken under the broiler. The Green Beans were really, really good.  They had a lot of herbs and spices and were sauteed in a wok.  My only feedback is that they came out pretty salty.  I made a note in the cookbook to use less next time. The chicken was good, although it didn't shred quite the way I ex